const homeUrl = live_now_script_object.homeUrl; const templateVariablesUrl = homeUrl + '/wp-json/lakana/v1/template-variables/'; const liveAlertType = document.querySelector('') ? 'watchnow' : 'livenow'; /* * Rotate to the next live alert every 5 seconds. */ function rotateLiveAlerts(liveNowAlerts) { const liveNowLink = document.querySelector('.site-header__live-button-desktop a'); const liveNowContent = document.querySelector('.site-header__live-button-desktop .site-header__live-button-description span'); let currentAlertPosition = 1; if(liveNowLink && liveNowAlerts.length > 1) { setInterval( function() { liveNowLink.href = liveNowAlerts[currentAlertPosition].url; liveNowContent.textContent = liveNowAlerts[currentAlertPosition].content_truncated; liveNowContent.setAttribute('title', liveNowAlerts[currentAlertPosition].content); currentAlertPosition += 1; if(currentAlertPosition >= liveNowAlerts.length){ currentAlertPosition = 0; } }, 5000); } } /* * Load the live alerts to be shown in the live now button. */ function loadLiveAlerts() { const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onload = function() { const response = JSON.parse(this.response); let liveNowAlerts = []; liveNowAlerts = ('watchnow' === liveAlertType) ? response.watch_now_btn : response.live_now_btn; rotateLiveAlerts(liveNowAlerts); }"GET", templateVariablesUrl, true); xhttp.send(); } loadLiveAlerts();